
Footlight players theatre queen street charleston sc
Footlight players theatre queen street charleston sc

footlight players theatre queen street charleston sc

footlight players theatre queen street charleston sc

Soon after the Broad Street Theatre opened, Santo Domingan refugee John Sollée built a French-language theater on Church Street. Winter for well-off Charlestonians included a busy round of theatre, musical concerts, and subscription balls. On opening night, January 15, 1794, they presented a double bill: "The Tragedy of the Earl of Essex" and a comic opera "The Farmer, or The World's Ups and Downs." This illustrious company joined the previous year's returning performers. West from the Bath theatre and the "three Mr. Henderson, late of the Liverpool theatre Mr. Clifford, the "celebrated singer from Vauxhall " Mr. In November, 1793, the City Gazette reported that the theater had been upgraded in anticipation of a new season, and that a "number of capital performers" from England had arrived in Virginia aboard the ships Union and Eliza. Most of the performers, fearing Charleston's deadly fevers, moved north again before summer.


Cecilia Society, the schedules of that concert series and the theatre were carefully coordinated. Because the players in the thirteen-piece orchestra also served the St. West and Bignall's 1,200-seat theater opened in February 1793, midway through the social season, presenting dramas that included both dancing and music by actors and musicians recruited from northern cities. The front will be on Broad Street, and the pit entrance on Middleton Street. …125 feet in length, the width 56 feet, the height 37 feet, with a handsome pediment, stone ornaments, a large flight of stone steps, and a courtyard palisaded. On August 14, 1792, the City Gazette reported "the ground was laid off for the new theatre, on Savage's Green. Designed by James Hoban (best known as the architect of the White House in Washington), the masonry playhouse was built by contractor Capt. In 1792, Thomas Wade West and John Bignall, managers of the Virginia Company of Comedians, announced plans for a new theater in Charleston. "Medical College of the State of South Carolina," 1832. Broad Street Theater (1793) Medical College (1833)Ĭourtesy of the Waring Historical Library, MUSC, Charleston, S.C.

Footlight players theatre queen street charleston sc